Our Services
Our end-to-end services involve comprehensive and in-depth study and analysis of each aspect at every stage of project development. From Ideation through execution, our team provides complete support of product development lifecycle. The patent services begins with in-depth understanding of concept, discussing potential business opportunities, proposing business alternatives and advancements with focus on business and patentability, detailed search and analysis using dedicated databases, preparing professional reports and presentations, drafting the specification, filing patent application, handling all the office actions with various patent office, managing patent and product portfolio and finally, taking care of client’s every interests and requirements.
We provide all kind of intellectual property services related to patents, trademark, industrial design, copyright, trade secret and geographical indication.
1. Patents:
A patent is a form of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing an invention for a limited period of years. Patents protects the novel inventions and promotes the innovations in industry. Inventing a new product requires a huge amount of investment in the form of time, money and energy. Patents provide an encouragement to inventors, applicants and investors for investing their time and money in the innovation. Patents support any business to grow in the territory by providing a market monopoly.
We support all patent related activities and obtaining the patent right for their invention. We help our client to identify patentable ideas and product, thoroughly assess the patentability of the invention, provide technical contributions to the inventions, draft and file the patent application in territories of interests, prosecute the patent application.
2. Trademark:
A trademark consists of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a source from those of others. Trademark help the product to develop a brand recognition. The product quality and identification is attached with the unique identification of a brand.
Our trademark services includes identification of unique trademarks, filing trademark application and prosecution of trademarks.
3. Copyright:
Copyright is the exclusive right, given to the creator of a work, to reproduce the work, usually for a limited time. Copyright protects the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.
We provide support for protecting the creation by getting a copyright.
4. Industrial Design:
An industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. An industrial design may consist of three dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or two dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour. Distinguishing and creative designs help the product to gain additional advantage over by providing unique aesthetic look to the product.
5. Geographical indication:
A geographical indication (GI) is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin (e.g. a town, region, or country).
The use of a geographical indication, as a type of indication of source, acts as a certification that the product possesses certain qualities, is made according to
traditional methods, or enjoys a certain reputation, due to its geographical origin.
Thorough prior art search and patentability analysis is of utmost importance to identify potential projects that can qualify the criteria of patentability.
Freedom to operate search is conducted to ensure that the commercial production, marketing and use of new product, process or service provided by our clients does not infringe the IP rights of others. We provide complete Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis by searching patent literature for issued or pending patents and provide opinion as to whether a product, process or service may be considered to infringe any patent(s) owned by others. We also provide our expert technical opinion based on FTO report to device a product so that it will not infringe any third-party IP right.
Patent landscape reports provide a snapshot of the patent situation of a specific technology. Patent landscaping supports in making policy discussions, strategic research planning or technology transfer. They may also be used to analyze the validity of patents based on data about their legal status. We design the patent landscape reports for businesses, investors and scientist to decide the product strategies and strengthen IP portfolio.
White space analysis helps to identify new opportunities business domain. We perform in depth assessment of particular field and provide the new business ideas to our clients. We provide business opportunities which can be implementable and patentable. This helps our clients to expand the business portfolio and explore new fields.
Patent drafting is expressing the invention in techno-legal documents. Drafting a patent specification requires comprehensive knowledge about prior art and technical aspects of the invention. We have expertise in drafting and filing several patent applications in different territories including USA, Europe, patent cooperation treaty , India, and other markets across the globe.
Patent prosecution is the process of interaction with the patent offices once the patent application has been filed with respective patent offices. We have a set process of tracking all the timelines and interacting with the patent authorities in response to office action,
third party observations, oppositions or any administrative queries.
Litigation is a process of legal action or lawsuit in the court. Patent litigation occurs when there is an act of infringement or any
unlawful activity. We provide legal support for any patent litigations activities.
We provide all the support related to filing and prosecuting trademarks and copyrights.
We are motivated with the thought of creating awareness of innovations and intellectual property rights across the industries, organizations and academic institutes. Our motive is to promote the nationwide awareness amongst scientist, academicians, research institutes, businesses, investors and government institutes to develop the innovation mindset and support the development of nation.